Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nauru is number one - Eight Pacific island nations are on the list of the world's top 10 fattest countries. Isn't that weird? You'd figure the diet would be mostly fish and fruit.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    As I recall, in "Serpent in Paradise" Dea Birkett speculates that, because of the huge distances across the Pacific the original Polynesians had to travel by canoes to reach landfall, only those with significant energy stored up in body fat survived the journey. Thus their descendants had a strong genetic propensity to obesity.

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Those poor islands. How DO they stay afloat?

  3. Notice how even though Nauru is number one, it's still all because of the Western society? Are newspaper writers taught to be this ego centric about their own cultural background, or is it just inbred?
