Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Hooray! - My vote was on the wrong end of every decision on the Massachusetts ballot except for one: question #1 has passed, rolling back the sales tax on alcohol.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Democrat Bill Keating won the open MA-10 seat, in a district that Scott Brown crushed by 20 points nine months ago. Brown also brought his mojo back to the district, to campaign for Jeff Perry.

    It should have been an easy pickup for the GOP this year. Looks like that pickup truck doesn't pick up any passengers.

  2. Yeah, it was crushing that we couldn't grab that seat in Massachusetts. It takes the shine off winning the most House seats in sixty years.

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Even in victory, we must observe a moment of silence for a dead media storyline. (Unless Scott Brown's tone-setting victory was supposed to resonate everywhere EXCEPT within Massachusetts?)

    Being Presidential timber for 9 months was still a pretty sweet run, though. Made Bobby Jindal look like a chump. It gives Chris Christie something to shoot for.

    Since we're talking history, it's also the first time the House has flipped parties without the Senate in eighty years. (Thanks, Tea Party, for single-handedly handing the lost Senate back to the Dems.)

    The last three Presidents to preside over House losses of this size were Truman, Eisenhower and Clinton. All in their first terms, too. I wonder what happened to those guys?

  4. They ran against one-party Congresses? And used their common touch to appeal to Americans?

    Mr. Spock in 2012!

  5. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Mr. Spock, Season Two: "After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
