Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ecclesiastes 1:2 - Weekly Standard: "American Narcissus."


  1. Last, but least1:16 PM

    Wow. That article reads like something you'd be ashamed to tell your own psychiatrist. It's almost too cruel to laugh at it.

    But the part it's most okay to crack a smile at is page 3, where Jonathan V. Last criticizes Obama's lack of historical awareness. Then Last unfavorably contrasts Obama's ego to that meek wallflower George Washington's. That's the audacity of dope.

  2. Why, that meme is just what *I* was thinking, too!7:24 PM

    Funny takedown on the suddenly reheated "The Anointed One is arrogant" circle jerk, including this on the Weekly Standard article:

    "Jonathan V. Last at The Weekly Standard told a no doubt astonished readership that Obama had quit the University of Chicago before they wanted him to, traded one literary agent for a more prominent one, and otherwise pursued an ordinary career path for a rising star. Also, we were told, Obama once compared himself to LeBron James, a presumption neither George Washington nor John Quincy Adams thought of. And Obama said aloud that he won the 2008 election, referred to himself as the President, and had the nerve to accept the Nobel Prize."

    "This inspired a wave of rightblogger mega-dittos... Why now, though? ...As much as they love the idea that he's a Marxist Hitler, they seem to have figured out that this abstruse notion doesn't have much visceral appeal for people who are not themselves."
