Sunday, November 21, 2010

Amazing Race update – Bangladesh bricks

Five teams remain including three young couples and two young all-female teams. All started out in Muscat, Oman and need to make their way to Dhaka, Bangladesh which is described as the most populated city in the world. Teams are told there's a "Double U-turn" ahead which means that two teams will be required to complete two Detours (if memory serves). While everybody else takes the direct flight from Oman, Nat & Kat take a flight to Dubai with the hope they can find a connecting flight to Dhaka. Jill & Thomas persist and find a quicker flight through Qatar Airlines. Nick & Vicki also find another airline that gets in quicker.

Early in the morning, Jill & Thomas arrive at the market square where they need to make a sugar drink by turning a mill. They finish quickly then open the clue for the Detour: Balanced Meal or Balanced Bricks. Teams may either deliver a bunch of food containers or move 100 bricks to a boat. Jill & Thomas finish the bricks quickly and take their next clue. Meanwhile, Nat & Kat find they're on the same connecting flight with Chad & Stephanie along with Brook & Claire. After the brick Detour, Jill & Thomas U-Turn Brook & Claire, who haven't even arrived in Bangladesh yet.

Next up is the Roadblock: one team member must assemble a rickshaw. Jill takes on this challenge putting together the bolts and "bullets?" They finish fairly quick and head to the Pit Stop, far ahead as Team #1. Nick & Vicki are on the Detour, while the remaining teams are close together after getting off the last flight.

Nat & Kat complete the Detour and decide to U-Turn Chad & Stephanie which is sweet Karma since Chad was considering U-Turning Team Surgeons. Brook & Claire get to the U-Turn and discover: 1.) they need to complete the Brick Detour and 2.) they're ahead of Chad & Stephanie. Team Bickering Young Couple is in last place, very lost, and yet to discover they've been U-Turned; it looks very bad for them. Team QVC seems dehydrated as they arrive at the Roadblock; one of them says they're going to charge through the challenge "like a spider monkey." Shades of Talladega Nights! Team Surgeons leaves the Roadblock next.

Team QVC and Team Bickering Young Couple leave the Roadblock last and now it's a race to the Pit Stop. It's pretty close (even with TAR editing) but Brook & Claire make it to the mat first where Phil reminds them they're on track to be the first all-female team to win the Race. Recently engaged team Chad & Stephanie arrive last and they're eliminated.

Final standings:

#1 – Team Faceless Young Couple – Jill & Thomas
#2 – Team Vegas – Nick & Vicki
#3 – Team Surgeons – Nat & Kat
#4 – Team QVC – Brook & Claire
#5 – Team Bickering Young Couple – Chad & Stephanie - PHILIMINATED

Next week: Looks like Bangkok.

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