Thursday, October 07, 2010

Second verse, same as the first

Obama's speech today...and yesterday...and tomorrow:

That's the choice in this election. That's what's at stake right now. So, [state in which Obama's speaking], it comes down to this: A lot of folks running in the other party, these are the exact same people who spent the last decade driving this economy into a ditch. And so, for the last 20 months, me and [politicians from said state] and all these folks, we have gotten down into the ditch, put on our boots. We're down there. It's hot. We were sweating. Bugs everywhere. (Applause.) We're down there pushing, pushing, pushing on the car. Every once in a while we'd look up and see the Republicans standing there. They're just standing there fanning themselves -- (laughter) -- sipping on a Slurpee. (Laughter.) And we'd say, "Come on down and help." They'd say, "No, that's all right." (Laughter.) They say, "You're not pushing the right way. You got to push faster."
Hey, I have a joke:

"Knock knock"
"Who's there"
"It's the Republicans, can we have the keys back?"
"Yeah, well, um, pretty sure we're gonna get those keys back."

Extra - Video of enthusiastic person at Maryland rally.

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