Thursday, October 28, 2010

Red light flashing

In a post that William should love, Hotline On Call takes notes of the warning signs leading up to this election:

This time around, an open seat in Massachusetts was a massive siren that warned Democrats of the danger they faced. A little-known Republican state senator, Scott Brown, stunned the state's popular attorney general in a special election to fill the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D) seat. Though Democrats have had special election success this cycle, winning a Republican-held House seat in New York and holding on to two other vulnerable districts, the Senate loss in one of the bluest states in the country stunned Democrats and strongly suggested that panic was an appropriate option.
That election is the reason why I think John Raese will pull out the win over Joe Manchin in West Virginia even though the Republican trails in the polls. Just like Kennedy, that Senate seat was held by a Democrat so long (really long) that I wonder if voters feel that it's time for a party change.

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