Monday, October 25, 2010

Chicago politics - It's possible that Giannoulias could still win Obama's old Senate seat but at this point it would require a lot of dead voters.


  1. Shocking news5:54 AM

    Obama's longtime Illinois Senate seat has been bright blue Democratic property for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's because I'm 5 years old.

  2. Mark L9:04 AM

    Just remember -- there are more dead people in Chicago than living ones.

  3. Three people you can thank for that, Capone and the two Daleys.

    Capone for using guns to kill off anyone that got in his way. The Daleys for keeping guns out of citizens hands letting today's criminals do what Capone did.

    All those death certificates stayed on the voter rolls.

  4. Seems that a lot of people pre-voted in Nevada without knowing it.

  5. Barack Panther4:20 PM

    ACORN strikes again!

  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'VE heard that hundreds of people who would have voted for Sharron Angle are being beheaded in the desert! Why is the liberal media covering this voter and head suppression up? And send money!
