Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Not even close - Wow, I don't know if Christine O'Donnell's primary win over Delaware institution Mike Castle is a sign of Tea Party strength or just an overall backlash against incumbents/people who have been in Washington too long. She didn't just eke by Castle, she trounced him. And she's probably going to get beat in the general election, completing the circle of life.

Well, the Delaware GOP had to pick between a RINO they disliked but could win, and a Tea Party candidate who they liked but will probably lose. They made their choice, I suppose.


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Castle was a paper tiger. He's made a career of avoiding tough elections. To his surprise, he ended up in one and got smacked. Praising him for his election victories is like praising Kim Il-Sung for his.

  2. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Uh huh. The guy's been winning elections since before the Beatles had beards, but they've all been easy-peasy.

    Speaking of relative election difficulty, midterm primaries are the easiest kind to upset. Enjoy your big win... we'll enjoy having the seat through January 2017.

  3. Let the bloodletting begin2:32 AM


    Party fractures on full display, Republican aides told Fox News Tuesday that O'Donnell would not be getting national fundraising support.

    Tea Party Express spokesman Levi Russell:
    "Wake up NRSC. The reason the Tea Party movement has grown into such a powerful force is because of the failures of establishment organizations such as yours to honor the principles of the Republican Party platform."

    Markos Moulitsas:
    "So it's been a great night, and DE-Sen told us all we need to know about the 2012 GOP presidential nomination -- either bring the crazy, or get the hell out of the GOP. Can't wait."

  4. Castle just has a poll that counted. Now O'Donnell and Coons will have a poll that counts not one that the MSM or KOS makes up. At that point we'll know.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    There is a hell of wave building for November. I wouldn't count out O'Donnell yet.

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    The larger point is that even if O'Donnell (or Angle, or Rand, or Miller) wins in November, the Republican Party has been damaged. Does anyone think Newt Gingrich is 1962 Richard Nixon, and will ride to the rescue in 2016? The Tea Party is an unwitting fifth column for Obama's relection campaign.

  7. I agree with Anonymous.

    On the whole, I suppose I would have liked to see Castle in place to beat Coons. However, I think it's delusional to take the position that this is a big "win" for the Democrats. If anything, it's another glaring symbol of the kind of wave they're going to face in November.

    I'm guessing 1994 + 10%, whatever that means.

  8. The GOP is at a crossroads. They will either wake up and start representing conservative / libertarian leaning movement that is the Tea Party - or they go the way of the Whigs within the decade.

    Nominating a Rino loser like Castle damages the Republican Party far more than O'Donnell could.

    I've stopped caring about "electability". Too many stab wounds in the back from Specter, McCain, Jeffords, Snowe, Graham, etc.

  9. Poiuyt L. Mnbv2:16 PM

    They will either wake up and start representing conservative / libertarian leaning movement that is the Tea Party - or they go the way of the Whigs within the decade.

    Well said, No-stradamus.

    Hey, is anybody old enough to remember 2004, when the Democratic Party was an irrelevant endangered species on its way out, and the GOP juggernaut had cemented its permanent majority? Yeah.

    Binary "death or glory" predictions rule so hard.
