Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Massachusetts dreamin' - Jeff Jacoby has an article in today's Boston Globe titled "The man out to topple Barney Frank." Shorter version: "Yeah, this guy's a longshot but, hey, look at Scott Brown!"

You know normally I would figure it a remote possibility that MA-1 Representative John Olver would lose his House seat even though every election year becomes an experiment in how little he can do to get re-elected. But driving around Western Massachusetts, I've seen dozens and dozens of signs for Republican challenger Bill Gunn and exactly zero signs for John Olver. Dare I hope? This election season, I dare.


  1. Anonymous7:27 AM

    As a Constitutional Concervative, Bill Gunn will represent all his constituents in the 1st District.

    This gentleman has principles and is not a politician - he is an American who is concerned with the direction of the country.

    Repealing the unconstitutional healthcare reform law, reducing the country's debt and staying in touch with the people in his district are som eof his top priorities.

    Mr. Olver is out of touch and is just another career politician who neeeds to go.

    Vote for Gunn in November!

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    That heartfelt endorsement reads like a Mad Lib.

  3. Anon E. Mouse2:36 PM

    Barney Frank is a Mad Lib, and so is anyone who votes for him.

    After all the "Don't worry, Freddie & Fannie aren't in trouble", then F&F f'ing up, how can anything he says be believable?

  4. Anonymous Bosch12:01 AM

    Two years ago, Olver did better than Barack Obama in District 1. Give the GOP a 50% boost from 2008, and they lose 59%-41%.

    So... good luck.
