Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A government big enough to give you anything is big enough to take it away

Or we can employ the John Podesta counter-axiom of "Hey, now that we've expanded the government beyond imagination, we can't just take it away!"

This is the logic of promising your kid a trip to Disney World, then losing your job, but going ahead with the trip anyway. Because you promised and your credit card hasn't been cancelled yet.

Here's something to remember: for 50 years, tax revenues have stayed relatively stable around 18% of GDP. Over the same period, spending has been a little more than 20% of GDP but in 2010 federal spending will amount to over 24% of GDP with nowhere to go but up.

But, hey, maybe General Motors' stock will spike and we can dump it for a big profit.

Extra - The Corner: "Death by no spending cuts."


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Or we can employ the John Podesta counter-axiom of "Hey, now that we've expanded the government beyond imagination, we can't just take it away!"

    As an olive branch to conservatives, how about we call it "too big to fail"?

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    How about we just admit it's a failure and start over?
