Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goin' vertical - Via Powerline: "The central issue of our time: Federal spending." Scary graph included.


  1. another Eric Lindholm12:23 PM

    I agree that the increase in spending is a huge, terrifying problem. But to call it the genesis of the Tea Party movement gives the Baggers far too much credit. The genesis of the Tea Party movement is sound bytes like "Government-supported health care is fascist" and "Obama doesn't have a birth certificate."

    Most of them probably couldn't even read that graph, and unless you told them exactly what it meant, they'd dismiss it as propaganda from elite liberal scientists -- you know, the kind of people who can analyze data objectively.

  2. So you have done a lot of research on the Tea Party? Which ones did you attend?

    I went to the Tea Party rallies and vote for fiscal conservatives because of the overspending. It is generational theft - they are spending my kids' money. (I learned to read graphs while earning my MBA.)

    Government spending and abuse of the Constitution were the topics of all the speakers I saw at the last Morristown rally. Strangely, of our supposedly racist members seem to have a problem listening to and cheering for Mychal Massie.

  3. Kenneth Ya6:46 PM

    See? The Tea Partiers have a black friend!

  4. Isn't that how you prove you aren't racist? Oh no that doesn't really work, you can't prove a negative. That's why it's such a useful slur.

  5. J.R.R. Token8:08 AM

    Says the guy who defensively posted "Hey, we're not racists!" in response to nothing.

    "My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot and a communist, but he is NOT a porn star!"

    And no, the "Some of my best friends are _____" isn't the line that traditionally disproves one's prejudice. It's the line that inadvertantly reveals it.
