Wednesday, September 29, 2010

False advertising - Karl Rove in Opinion Journal: "Democrats and the health-reform albatross."


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Karl Rove's also on the team that predicted wonderful results out of Iraq, right? Invasion 1, Universal Health Care 0, got it.

    A numbers-cruncher like Rove knows all too well what a political albatross Democratic-created health care will be, once it gets rolling. He just doesn't like to say who's gonna get the bird.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Didn't Obama just celebrate the successful Iraqi campaign?

  3. Nigel Tufnel11:25 AM

    Obama declared victory to provide a pretext for pulling troops out. It's more palatable than the real story and sublimates the GOP attack response (as evidenced above).

    Look for the same pattern in Afghanistan over the next year.

    Obama is extricating America from two wars [sic] that do not have definable ends.

  4. dfwmtx11:36 AM

    Karl's just reading the writing on the wall to those who haven't read it yet.

  5. Alexander B. Tross2:07 PM

    The critical point here is that Karl Rove would never lie just to gain some sort of political advantage. And the Wall Street Journal would never sully its pages with vacuous partisan wishes. I don't see how the Democrats survive this.

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I am curious if any of the people with snarky comments are actually dealing with the results of wonderful health care bill now.

    Perhaps none of them have jobs so they can't see the results.

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The first parts of the health care bill just went into effect six days ago. But it's results that count and the results are in: the plan's a total flop. It had a nice little run for a few days there, though.

    Also, congratulations to the previous poster. Simultaneously decrying snark while speculating about people's job status? That was awesome.

  8. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Wait, I thought Afghanistan was the good war! He told me so during the campaign. Are you saying he was fibbing?

  9. Nigel Tufnel11:13 AM

    Please re-read post above for the answer.
