Friday, September 10, 2010

70% say "yes" to all - Via Greg Mankiw's blog: "Should the Bush tax cuts be extended?"


  1. Stunned in Steubenville1:46 AM

    FLASH! 37 rich ex-bankers endorse the Bush tax cuts!

    After these messages, we'll reveal what 37 fat kids had to say about free ice cream. The answer may surprise you.

  2. Bankers evil cause party leadership tells me so! Better not to think on my own, my betters know!

  3. Unimpressed in Uniondale3:27 PM

    Exceptional comeback, darling. And when you're done defending the tax freebies against your imaginary cartoon enemies, tell us again how class warrior Obama is blowing up the deficit.

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Yes, how dare those EVIL rich get to keep more of their own money!
    Take it all I say! For the children....

    Oh, and I would say Obama and the Dems are blowing up the deficit by spending on the f'ing money!

    I don't know why the Repubs don't offer the Dems a deal, vote to return all the tax rates to what they were under Bill Clinton as long as government spending is also reduced to what IT was under Clinton. Heck, throw them a bone and say the 2000 budget + inflation.

  5. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Gee, why don't they though? Might have something to do with the idiotic Iraq war including the costs of tribal bribery slush funds, contractor theft and off-the-budget "emergency funding," and the deregulation that helped crash the economy, and the unfunded prescription drug bill, and the $2 trillion smooch to the rich. It's really hard to say.

    Going back to the blog and the WSJ article... as long as we're treating a 70% poll result of 53 subjects as a meaningful argument in itself, 71% of people oppose extending the tax cut for the wealthy, including fewer than half of Republicans. That's taken from a much larger poll, and crucially, it's 1% louder, innit.
