Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Was this trip necessary?

I'm not sure what President Obama's goal was tonight in his "major speech" on Iraq. Was it, as Stephen Green speculated, to shore up his anti-war base? If he was going for the Commander-in-Chief imagery, his awkward posture and teleprompter-paced reading didn't project confidence.

Frankly, I was OK with most of the speech as long as it focused on the military and the mission. But when he swerved into yet another scolding on economics, my thin approval slipped into head-shaking. What was this line doing in the speech?
"We have spent over a trillion dollars at war, often financed by borrowing overseas."
This, from the man whose administration is currently borrowing 42 cents for every dollar the government spends and after the CBO reported the Iraq war has cost less than the failed stimulus package. He should have just stuck to the military theme, thanked the troops, and saved the campaign speech for a more appropriate time.

Extra - I'm not the only one who thought the pep talk for Obamanomics was out of place.

More - From Macsmind and Insty and Allahpundit.


  1. Anonymous11:50 PM

    after the CBO reported the Iraq war has cost less than the failed stimulus package

    Yayyyy! The final bill for Iraq is in! We'll never have to pay another penny!

    Most economists agree that the stimulus worked, averting a much greater collapse. And the Bush tax cuts cost us a trillion more than the Iraq War and the stimulus combined. But why clutter a nice "Obama's ruining everything" complaint with details?

  2. Anonymous11:52 PM

    The CBO also reports that the Democratic health care bill will reduce the deficit, but that was when the CBO were big fat stinky liars. Now, they're golden.

  3. Anonymous12:15 AM

    I like the "and the Bush tax cuts cost us a trillion more."

    Typical liberal. A person gets to keep more of THEIR money but somehow it "cost us." That kind of thinking only works if you think that all money is the government's money and they graciously allow you to keep some.

    As for the CBO, I bet if you go read their report on Obamacare now it wouldn't say it would reduce the deficit. But why bring facts into play....

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I wish you were a regular at my poker game, Anonymous Bettor.

    The CBO sent out a letter to Republicans eight days ago, informing them that repealing the provisions of the health care bill they want to eliminate would increase the deficit by $455 billion.


    Stupid reality! Always ruining the loveliest conservative preconceptions.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So lets have a Depression so that tax cuts don't cost "us" any money!

    By "most economists" you mean the ones that write for the NYTimes? I can name many who think over spending is the road to ruin - and Obama seems determined to prove them right.

  6. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Most economists in the country. Or do Moody's, IHS/Global Insight, JPMorganChase, the NABE and Macroeconomic Advisers all have op-ed columns in the devil paper?

  7. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Ah, so all the people who want me to make sucker investments.

  8. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Something tells me this financial genius has his retirement money tied up in Glenn Beck's gold.

  9. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Mostly foreign holdings (lots of Australian funds) and bonds.

    You go ahead and jump into U.S. stocks - good luck. I work for a big U.S. company and see where things are headed.
