Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This is all I'm gonna say about the NYC mosque

I understand the concern and outrage of those who feel that the "Ground Zero" Cordoba House is an affront to the 3,000 Americans who died on 9/11. But we live in a land of laws and - as far as I know - the Islamic leaders purchased the plot fair-and-square and they have the right under the First Amendment to practice their religion. I'd like to believe that America is better than Saudi Arabia where they freak out over a lower case "t".

That said, I think the people of New York City might have some input on the matter and I'd like to get a more detailed accounting of exactly where the money for this multi-million dollar "culture center" is coming from.

Finally: if that Times Square bomb had gone off, we would never be having this debate. Not a chance.

Related - Washington Examiner: "Save us Dubya!"


  1. Nigel Tufnel10:43 AM

    This discussion is analogous to debates about flag burning. Normals dislike the act but at the end of the day the rule of law has to win out.

    The Cordoba people are digging their heels in to make a point and alienating a lot of people in the process.

    As with flag burning, this is being used by politicians and commentators to score easy points without personally actually doing anything about the 'issue'. A guy running for state rep in Nebraska can shout "I'm against the Ground Zero Mosque!" at a rally and whip the crowd into a frenzy, even though he is powerless to influence NYC permitting issues.

  2. Meanwhile, Bloomberg and the rest won't lift a finger to get St. Nicholas rebuilt. Neither will the Muslims who destroyed it.

  3. Nigel Tufnel9:15 AM

    The muslim terrorists who destroyed the St. Nicholas church during their suicide/homicide attack aren't in much of a position to help repair it, and the Al Qaeda organization isn't going to help out.

    If the suggestion is that workaday muslims are obligated to repair it through guilt by religious association then a huge can of worms is being opened in terms of liability for crimes against humanity.

  4. But it is suggested that I need to kiss Muslim ass and support their desire to build a Mosque near the site of a massacre of Americans at the hands of Muslims.

    And I'm not supposed to notice that the mosque is to be named after Islam's farthest penetration into the Western world during the Dark Ages.

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    There's already a mosque a couple of blocks away from Ground Zero, whose physical existence predates the World Trade Center. How did the Towers ever stand for as long as they did?
