Saturday, August 28, 2010

New York Times = Obama lickspittle - I don't know why I bother but this NY Times editorial today is embarrassing bootlicking tripe. Maybe it was written by Rahm Emanuel. In a nutshell, the Times thinks that Obama should do all the things that Obama has proposed to fix the economy. It's like reading a Daily Kos blog posting, with less profanity. There's not a single critical word aimed at the President who has hobbled this economy. Instead they simply urge Obama to use his inspirational skills to - magically! - lift the economy out of recession.

Isn't there anybody at all on the Times editorial board qualified to play devil's advocate? Any objective voice who is not a limousine liberal to provide balance? It's like a parody.


  1. No, there never has been a voice of sanity there. From Duranty on down, it's been flack writing.

  2. Thomas O. Smith, butter maker2:42 PM

    It's too bad that we live in 1905 where newspaper editorials carry such political power.

  3. Abe Rosenthal and Bill Safire were the last vestiges of sanity at the Times.

  4. PaperofRecord1:20 PM

    Best newspaper in the world.
