Monday, August 16, 2010

The nanny state, again

To paraphrase WB Yeats: "What new proscription, it's hour come round at last, slouches towards San Francisco to be born?" Yes, it's the scourge of Happy Meals:
A bottled water ban? OK. No more regular Coke and Pepsi in government vending machines? All right, if we have to. But no more Happy Meals?

That's the ban that San Francisco is mulling over. Some city supervisors say the toys in McDonald's Happy Meals unfairly lure children to eat unhealthy food.
All I can say is that now that Obamacare has intertwined the health interests of all Americans, maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Clearly a complete ban on smoking must be on the table, followed by compulsory morning exercise.

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