Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Live free, with a sliced bagel, or die - Today's WSJ has a story straight from New York: if you buy a whole bagel in the Empire State it is not taxed. But if that bagel and sliced and schmeered with cream cheese, it's now a "prepared" bagel that is subject to sales tax. Yes, it's come to this.


  1. One must pay for the samurai's skills at sundering said bagel.

  2. They're just a bunch of schnorrers!

  3. Read my Lipschitz, no new taxes!3:08 PM

    Aren't we all sick and tired of schmear tactics?

  4. David3:14 PM

    In California you always order your Ice cream 'to go'. If you take it with you, you are buying groceries, and your food is not taxed. If you eat it in the ice cream shop, you are dining out and your meal is taxed.

  5. Did I say it wrong? "Schmeer?" I don't know Yiddish.

    David - that's a good one! Did not know that.

  6. In Vermont, ordering at a fast food place, inside is R&M tax at between 9 and 11% depending upon location; through the drive up window, you pay sales tax, 6% + town add on if any.

  7. another Eric Lindholm11:18 AM

    I can't remember where anymore, but I've been in a convenience store where if you buy a microwave burrito, it's tax-free, unless they heat it up for you, at which point it becomes a "meal."
