Thursday, August 26, 2010

The $41K car that gets 27.3 mpg - The Truth about Cars has an interesting report about how General Motors refuses to give a mileage estimate for the Chevy Volt when it's running in gas-mode (i.e. CSM or "charge sustaining mode.") GM is waiting for some new-fangled EPA method to determine mileage, even though they can certainly make their own test and report that on the sticker. Plus, you have to wonder - given the federal government's large stake in GM - whether the EPA would be inclined to "help" with the Chevy Volt's mileage estimate to a higher number than the one found by an astute TTAC reader.


  1. My brother just spent half that much for a VW diesel that gets twice the mileage.

  2. My 2003 FWD Nissan Xterra 3.3L gets 22H 19T with the auto tranny. BFD on that GM product.

    And it was made in America by Americans, just not by unionized Americans.
