Saturday, July 03, 2010

Today in history - Pickett's charge in Gettysburg

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    From my aunt's blog, a then-young soldier from Upstate NY recounts his Gettysburg experience 46 years later:

    "It seemed to me that the heavens were on fire. Pieces of shell and different missiles that shells are loaded with, were thick as hail stones. The heavens looked like a continuous ball of fire. Shells striking the ground, dirt, gravel, stones and pieces of shell entirely blocked my way. I cannot tell you how I felt as I was wading through that storm of iron. Trees two feet through would tremble from base to pinnacle. But I must get to my regiment. I was lost in the confusion. It was a task not to be envied by any one that cared for his life."
