Monday, July 19, 2010

NAACP condemns imagined racism, stays silent on the real thing - In a single day, Big Government has unseated an Agriculture official who made clearly racist remarks at an NAACP event. As of this writing, the organization - so eager to make charges against the Tea Party on the most oblique evidence - has not issued a statement. Classic.


  1. We Shall Overblow5:14 AM

    Shame on the NAACP! Don't they realize the race problem in America is all about two guys standing around in a Democratic precinct? Oh, Lord, when will Megyn Kelly's oppression end?

  2. The real racism showed it face when the word niggardly was used in context and caused an uproar. Welcome to RACIST America.

  3. Calling a spade a spade8:54 AM

    Yes. Oh yes. Language obtuseness is "the real racism." Well spotted, you poor persecuted soul.

  4. Malcolm Xcerpt5:59 PM

    It's gonna be fun watching this Breitbart "scoop" fall apart.

  5. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Charles Krauthammer is now playing the race card, saying Shirley Sherrod should get her job back. Welcome to RACIST America.
