Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Battle at the border - The immigration lawsuit filed by the Justice Department today is literally called: "The United States vs. The State of Arizona." It's like having your father sue your little brother to clean up his room. From what little I understand about the lawsuit, it's based on a federal provision of "pre-emption" which Ed Morrissey calls the "weakest argument possible." I guess, I'm not sure.


  1. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Morrissey may think that the goals of the Basic Immigration Enforcement Training program trump the text of the U.S. Constitution as legal muscle. Most judges do not.

    Justice's argument has the advantage of being clean and comprehensive. The department will not need to demonstrate the scope or specificity of damages. If its suit succeeds, the Arizona law won't be amended or interpreted or reapplied, it will be gone.

    But this particular tack doesn't preclude the rationale for, or the filing of, civil rights suits by any number of persons. U.S. v. Arizona is one front in a two-front legal war.

  2. Separated at birth - Eric's new picture and Dan Akroyd...

  3. He does have a Joe Friday look in that photo.

  4. Nigel Tufnel11:00 AM

    I'm going with Mike Score of Flock of Seagulls - he's got a little swoosh going on there...

  5. 6Degrees5:27 PM

    My vote is for "Bacon Brother."

  6. Nice.

    I did play one-half of a Blues Brothers act at a wedding. Well, my own wedding.
