Monday, June 14, 2010

Stuff I saw in Copenhagen

Bicycles! Everywhere, thousands and thousands of bikes. Bike lanes on the side of the road, bikers backed up at an intersection, bikers using hand signals. Also, there are no $1000 bikes here - they're all second-hand wheels which is why half of them aren't even locked up. I guess the owners figure that you'd be a fool to steal a crummy bike, so go right ahead.

Some of the buildings are real old. Like 15th-century old. We passed one building that was old-style Europe, huge, and permanent. I half-expected the Von Trapp children to make an appearance (yeah, I know that's Austria).

It's a Monday here but the streets are packed with roaming gangs wearing red "Danmark" shirts, clashing with orange-clad soccer fans rooting for Holland. Yes, the World Cup is big here in Europe in case you haven't heard.

Flying east is tough because you're heading towards the sun. I think we had two hours of "night" and I couldn't sleep at all. Then I noticed I blew a blood vessel in my eye - just in time for our business meeting tomorrow! Cool.

Everybody here speaks English, thank heaven. I tried to pick up some Danish phrases from an Itunes download but it's a tough language. So far, every Dane I've met has been, um, great.

When the European Union vote came up, Denmark resisted enormous pressure to adopt the Euro and stuck with their Kroner. Smart move.

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