Sunday, June 27, 2010

I saw three movies this weekend

"Toy Story 3" - Terrific! Best in the series. Andy is heading off to college and he needs to break away from his childhood. You'll laugh, you'll cry (although I'll never admit to the latter). According to IMDB trivia, the screenplay took 2 1/2 years to write and storyboard - the effort shows.

"The Hurt Locker" - Gripping, hardcore drama from this Best Picture winner. Jeremy Renner was fantastic.

"Avatar" - Awful, hackneyed tripe dressed up with eye-candy colors. After two hours, it actually becomes painful to watch. Avoid at all costs and DIAF James Cameron. (P.S. "Titanic" sucked too, loser.)


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I haven't seen Hurt Locker, but I completely agree with your assessment of the other two. Toy Story 3 was fantastic, and I love how they made the cutest stuffed bear in history into the bad guy. Conversely, Avatar was just plain awful. I do not understand all the praise.

  2. You saw Avatar in 2D?!

    In 3D it was startling - you could just sit back and admire the scenery. In 2D, it must have seemed like a poorly acted version of Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Avatar: Told my husband I don't know how much more of this hackneyed storyline I could take. Left couple minutes later. 45 min left so had to go back in and not just sit it out in the lobby.
