Friday, May 28, 2010

Something seems off

Look, I understand that political "favors" are exchanged in Washington all the time. I've avoided writing about the Sestak-Obama quid pro quo because I thought it was a tempest in a teapot. "Power politics in Washington!? Perish the thought!"

But now the ham-handed explanation by the Obama White House raises so many questions, I feel like Michael Corleone:
"Only don't tell me that you're innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and it makes me very angry."
So, the (evolving) explanation is that although Sestak earlier claimed he was offered a "high-ranking" position - possibly Secretary of the Navy - now it was just a uncompensated advisory board position. Because, you know, ex-Presidents are regularly dispatched to Democratic primary challengers to relay unpaid job offers. And that Thursday lunch with Bill Clinton along with the near-simultaneous phone call to Sestak's brother? Just good old-fashioned gab, not "getting the story straight before the Friday news dump."

Now let's grill up some burgers!

Update - American Thinker: "Sestak cover story starts to unravel."

1 comment:

  1. And in the meantime, nothing from Arlen Specter, to whom promises must have been made of possible elimination of a primary opponent so that, as a newly re-minted democrat, he would support Obama's programs. Specter must be disappointed at how things worked out. Maybe someone should ask him about it all.
