Monday, May 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan's day in court

I don't normally engage in celebrity gossip or drop the name of starlets in a naked attempt to grab more internet traffic, but the saga of Lindsay is just too funny to pass up. Let me count the ways:

1.) Lindsay showed up for court sporting a revealing white top, obviously hoping she would, um, persuade, a male judge with her, um, assets. Alas, Judge Marsha Revel was unswayed.
2.) When Lindsay's lawyer objected to the terms of her release, including wearing a SCRAM bracelet to monitor her vodka intake, the judge declared she would enumerate her reasons for the conditions. Lindsay's lawyer pulled an Emily Litella: "Never mind!"
3.) Among the reasons Lindsay gave for missing the original court date: somebody stole her passport, some jewelry was missing, she ran out of gas, had a flat tire, didn't have money for cab fare, there was an earthquake, a terrible flood, LOCUSTS!

1 comment:

  1. Some serious jail time cures this type of behavior on the part of these borderline personalities.

    Fines mean nothing to them for money they have, freedom is something else.
