Friday, May 14, 2010

Health care deja vu - That's the strange feeling you've heard about runaway costs before - even before the legislation was passed. Megan McArdle: "The health care reform already costs more than we thought it would." Concluding sentence: "We haven't done anything yet, and we're somehow already at least $100 billion in the hole."

This was the hallmark of the hurry-up-and-pass it method of the Washington Democrats who had to work around Scott Brown's election and drooping public support. It was all about the bill, damned the consequences. Now we're finding (surprise!) that several companies have been forced to re-state earnings, much to Henry Waxman's consternation, and some of these are considering dropping health care coverage altogether.

"Oh, no!" cry the disbelievers, "we didn't see that coming." Yeah, exactly.

Extra - Rahm "begged" Obama to think twice.

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