Sunday, March 07, 2010

Prof. Reynolds discusses Schlitz beer and our watered-down freedom - Washington Examiner: "Consent of the governed - and the lack thereof."

The main theme of the Instapundit's article is that government has become so unresponsive to the interests of the citizens, that it's brewing a deep distrust of political leaders. Although he doesn't specially note this in the article, it can be found in a Congress that is largely ignoring the #1 topic for most Americans (jobs) and spending its time consumed with another issue (health care.)

Furthermore, on this latter issue, Congress is clearly ignoring the will of the voters and seems poised to push through government-run healthcare before Americans can affirm their deep disapproval through elections. One wonders, Reynolds writes, where the legitimacy of a government goes when the citizens decides it has lost touch with the people.


  1. Notorious W.H.I.G.7:58 AM

    A federal government acting counter to many citizens' express wishes. Fat cats getting richer during a financial recession, while the little guy gets pummeled. Growing anti-incumbent anger at the ballot box. These are unprecedented days, friends. Whatever happened to our freedom? Where has our country gone?

    Yup, there was nothing like the Nullification Crisis of 1832, the Panic of 1837, and a series of one-term Presidencies and back-and-forth party takeovers of Congress. Too bad my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather isn't around to tell me what happens after a government's legitimacy has vanished forever.

  2. OK, I had to look up the Nullification Crisis, I'll admit. But here in the 21st century, with daily poll numbers coming out, we find very large majorities of Americans opposed to the direction of the federal government in general and health care in particular.

    We're about to take on a huge new entitlement that will bankrupt this country - and Congress won't listen to the people.

    "That's what elections are for?" And how.
