Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Whatever Ezra Klein, again

Do the Democrats want to discuss the millstone around their necks? Uh, no:

Today's televised session between Barack Obama and the Senate Democrats wasn't encouraging to those of us hoping the Democrats are spending their time worrying about how to pass the health care bill. There were questions on the deficit, on jobs, on partisanship, on energy and on judicial nominees. No one bothered to ask about health-care reform.
Hey, how 'bout that Superbowl, and stuff?

Update - Senators talked about health care once the cameras were off: "Senators did not want to press Obama on healthcare reform in front of television cameras for fear of putting him in an awkward spot."


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Note to Ezra Klein: Face it, idiot! HC is dead. Nobody but stupid moron rubes like you are still clamoring for it. And Pelosi will keep feeding you morons the little morsels till November so you stupid know-nothings don't stop sending the checks. If you could not get HC when you had super-majority and were flying high from Obama's glow, you are not getting it when your congresscritters are running scared under an imploding economy and an Obama exposed as a third-rate Chicago hack.

  2. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Yeah, that's probably a direct quote from the after-camera session.

    I'd love to have seen the look on the third-rate Chicago hack's face when he got slapped silly by a yellow-bellied congresscritter.
