Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Stick a fork in HCR – In this New Republic piece, Jonathan Cohn wanders around the football stadium, long after the game is over and the stands have emptied. I think it's just cruel that Nancy Pelosi is leading him along. Health care reform is done at least for this year, if Blanche Lincoln's numbers are any indication. Dragging it out to keep the netroots at bay just sets them up for a Lucy-and-the-football scenario later.

Extra - Politico: "[Lawrence] O'Donnell attributes the theatrics to the need to deal with the liberal base that will go bonkers if Democrats quit on reform."

1 comment:

  1. Mecha Barbara Boxer8:05 AM

    Health care's dead dead dead, installment #200. And still nobody knows for sure.

    Kenny didn't die this often on "South Park."
