Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Imperious government

Here's Michael Gerson in the WashPost: "Obama's health reform gamble raises questions of judgment"

After a year of debate, Democratic leaders -- given every communications advantage and decisive control of every elected branch of government -- have not only lost legislative momentum, they have lost a national argument. Americans have taken every opportunity -- the town hall revolt, increasingly lopsided polling, a series of upset elections culminating in Massachusetts -- to shout their second thoughts. At this point, for Democratic leaders to insist on their current approach is to insist that Americans are not only misinformed but also dimwitted.
President Obama said as much in the State of the Union address:

Still, this is a complex issue. And the longer it was debated, the more skeptical people became. I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people.
Please be patient with us! Meanwhile, as Congress prepares to ignore the vox populi, Rasmussen reports a new record:

Voter unhappiness with Congress has reached the highest level ever recorded by Rasmussen Reports as 71% now say the legislature is doing a poor job.
So go right ahead and vote for this unpopular legislation. Or don't.

Extra - 73% of Americans say scrap the current HCR bill. Stupid Americans.

More - Karl Rove advises the Republicans to call out Obama.

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