Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gettin' together in good faith - Hot Air: "Obama on health-care summit: Let's play nice or I'll nuke you with reconciliation." Bipartisanship!


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Make overtures to the right-- HE SUCKS!
    Give up on the right-- HE SUCKS!
    Move rightward oneself-- HE SUCKS!

    There MUST be a secret path that could win conservatives' statesmanlike hearts, but it's probably very very very very very very very specific.

  2. What overtures to the right do you speak of? Obama held one meeting a year ago and since then has crafted this legislation with Pelosi and Reid behind closed doors.

    Now, in the spirit of bipartisanship, the Democrats are continuing secret work on the legislation while keeping reconciliation alive to cram a major piece of legislation down America's gullet, without even trying to reach out to the GOP.

    Where are the concessions? They must be buried very very very deep within the 2000+ page legislation.

  3. P.S. - He sucks!

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Politicians criticizing bills they oppose by saying how many pages long they are is something to be openly horse-laughed at, not repeated.

    The promised health care proposal was "watered down" or "scaled back" (depending on one's preference) with a series of conservative countermeasures. Then the representatives who wanted the text amended withheld their support anyway.

    Obama has reached out to the right in a way that Karl Rove never would have permitted. Some of it was for cosmetic purposes, but some hasn't been. The GOP's total brushoff has reduced the damage that the Democrats would suffer if they opt to start "cramming." Cold shoulders can lead to gullet problems, which will hopefully be covered by the bill.

  5. Well, let me cite the Economist, and say that Obama whining about the Republicans is loser talk.

    Reagan reformed Social Security and Clinton reformed welfare by reaching across the aisle to get something done. Are you telling me Obama can't peel off one Republican to support this awesome legislation?

    I suggest the Democrats start the "cramming" that America doesn't want. The 2010 midterms will look like 1994 on steroids.

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    The Economist? I would've thought that they'd have written that Obama's whining is loser talk, unless he has a valid point, which may rebound to his advantage, though perhaps not, but only time will tell, and splunge.
