Monday, February 01, 2010

Debt undermines American security

Here's are the bullet points from Gerald Seib's article in the WSJ: "Deficit balloons into national-security threat"

- They [budget deficits] make America vulnerable to foreign pressures.
- Chinese power is growing as a result.
- Long-term national-security budgets are put at risk.
- The American model is being undermined before the rest of the world.
This is an argument I've been making for the years when this was a one-issue blog: the unfunded liabilities of entitlement spending (not even mentioned in the article above) represents a sword of Damocles over the United States. In fact, forget about Obama's budget because without reform the entire U.S. budget will go towards Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security by 2052.

No defense, no education, no park service, no discretionary spending at all. The good news is that we won't be adding to the national debt because, by then, nobody will lend us any more money.

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