Saturday, January 16, 2010

The people's seat - Politico: "Enthusiasm gap in Mass. Senate race."

Here's one report, via Red Mass Group (in the comments):
Alright, I just got back from making calls for Scott Brown. I made hundreds of calls and had only one, ONE, person tell me they would not vote for Brown.
To be fair, I did get voicemails and etc... but I talked to a lot of people tonight and most were excited to hear from me. Can you imagine that? EXCITED to hear from a tele-marketer!? Many said not only are they voting for SB but so is most of their family and just about everyone they know.
I was expecting to take my lumps on the phone but it was actually a really energizing experience.
Scott Brown is coming around Western Mass tomorrow and I'm thinking about skipping church to make an eyewitness report. But that's not's a dilemma.


  1. E,

    Find another mass time ad give us a first-hand report. I think we need your first hand account, because it is more trustworthy than the Globe's/

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I have an older friend who was complaining that she got 6 robocalls from Brown in one day. It had really pissed her off.

  3. Anon: I can understand, since I hate home phone calls in general. But I think all the political money that would have been spent in a national campaign is flowing into this critical race. The TV here in Western Mass is wall-to-wall political commercials.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Not just Western Mass, the commercials are everywhere in the eastern part of the state as well.

    The unfortunate part of the robocalls is that it killed any chance I had of convincing her to vote for Brown. She's going with Kennedy instead as a protest vote for all the attention and knows of several others doing the same.
