Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A class act - And funny too: "Conan O'Brien says he won't host the 'Tonight Show' after Leno." I have to say that I don't have the warmest feeling for Jay Leno right now: he had the 'Tonight Show' for 17 years and now he's going to come back to 11:30 and displace Conan? Geez, give somebody else a chance in the spotlight, Jay.

Extra - Team Conan attacks!


  1. I don't think any of this nonsense is Jay's idea.

    I like him at 10 and watch a couple of times a week. I'm in bed by 11:30.

  2. Fox Entertainment should hire BOTH Leno and O'Brien. Give Jay a mid-afternoon show a la Merv Griffin, and put Conan on at night.
