Monday, January 11, 2010

Chit-chat update

Sounds like the union leaders had a "frank" discussion with Obama about the health care bill: "Irate labor leaders press Obama on proposed health care 'Cadillac' tax."

Labor leaders irate over a proposed tax on high-value health insurance plans met with President Barack Obama on Monday to express their frustration over his support for the levy. Some labor officials have warned Democrats of political fallout for backing the tax.
The president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, said there was a frank discussion at the nearly two-hour White House meeting with about a dozen heads of the country's biggest labor unions. Earlier in the day Trumka delivered a broadside to Obama and Senate Democrats who are planning to pay for overhauling the nation's health care system with a tax on insurance plans that union leaders fear could hit their workers.
Trumka warned that Democrats risk catastrophic election defeats similar to 1994 if they fail to come up with a health bill labor likes.
I never thought I'd be on the same side of an issue with the AFL-CIO, the side agreeing that this is a tax on middle-class workers. The White House is only saying there was an "exchange of views." Hmmm.

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