Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Good ole W – While Obama keeps blaming Bush, a lot of Americans have decided: "Ah, he wasn't so bad."


  1. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Now, "a lot of Americans" means "fewer Americans than already voted against Obama a year ago during his landslide win." I like those odds!

    From the same poll: 35% of Republicans support impeaching President Obama for what he's done in 2009. (Specific charges to follow.)

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    More PPP polling goodness: 52% of Republicans believe that ACORN singlehandedly stole the 2008 national election for Obama.

    Another PPP poll: 21% either think Barack Obama is the Anti-Christ, or are "unsure." 19% felt the same way about Bush.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Now, "a lot of Americans" means "fewer Americans than already voted against Obama a year ago during his landslide win." I like those odds!

    Is that really what you want to say?

    That a charismatic president, with the full backing of unstoppable majorities in both houses, is losing market share after passing landmark spending bills to buy every vote in site?

    How does that happen?

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    a charismatic president, with the full backing of unstoppable majorities in both houses, is losing market share after passing landmark spending bills to buy every vote in site?

    Too bad about Tip O'Neill. Otherwise, one could read the above and ask, "Why are you bringing Ronald Reagan into this?"

  5. I don't remember anybody wanting Carter back, ever.
