Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Al Gore sticks his fingers in his ears, yells "Lalala!" - Watts Up With That notes that Al Gore can't tell time. What I think is more telling is that Prince Albert doesn't deign to "read all the emails" which is code for reading any of them. This is part of a pattern for Gore who refuses to debate anybody on global warming, dismisses all skeptics, and has renegade journalists removed and blackballed.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    B-b-b-but the Exxon Valdez...rain forest....ozone layers(!)...dead LAWN!!!

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    "STOP, verdict of history! Stop! Go back!

    Sore/Loserman! Sob! Sniffle! How could this have happened to my b-beautiful S-Sore/Loserman....?"
