Wednesday, October 07, 2009

My snap review of the CBO's score of the Baucus plan - Increased spending that is certain paid for with spending cuts that are illusory and tax hikes that will never pass or raise as much money as claimed. More here.

Extra - Legal Insurrection: "There is no spoon Baucus bill."

More - Megan McArdle: "So most of the major components of the program are scheduled to either cost more, or raise less revenue . . . but overall, it's generating a bigger surplus. It's the healthcare economist's version of "We're losing money on every unit, but we'll make it up in volume!"


  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    My, my, how unexpected. After citing every negative CBO health care projection as if it were the Holy Gospel, NOW it's time to break out the skepticism! Such a mysterious turn of events.

    The CBO report is a disgruntled former estimate.

    The CBO report was never in the loop.

    The CBO report is trying to sell a book.

    It's sad... this is not the CBO report we knew.

  2. Not at all: I believe the CBO. They've calculated the Baucus bill based on what the Senate bill says it will do: raise taxes on insurance companies (that will not affect people making less than $250,000/year) and cutting $400 billion from Medicare.

    If you believe either of these things will happen, I have a bridge to sell you.

  3. One-Way Bridge11:14 PM

    July 2009: CBO estimate contradicts Obama numbers, thereby making its assumptions correct:
    (and elsewhere)

    October 2009: CBO estimate supports Obama numbers, therevy making its assumptions wrong:
    (and elsewhere)

  4. So I guess I don't need to respond here if you're not going to read my previous comment. Nice talkin' with you.
