Friday, October 09, 2009

Let a thousand SNL skits bloom

When I heard the 6am news on NPR during my morning commute, my jaw hit the floor. But by the time I got to work, I decided the Nobel Peace Prize would be an albatross around Barack Obama's neck for the remainder of his term.

The award was an affirmation of all those criticisms that Obama is an empty suit who is levitated by a fawning press and an international cult of personality. Thanks to five Norwegians, for the remainder of his term he'll be dogged by two characterizations: he's the guy who won the prize without actually doing anything and he's the Peace Prize winner who's Commander in Chief during wartime.

The skits write themselves. A young Obama shows up for the spelling bee and is immediately deemed the winner. Or we could see a "Celebrity Jeopardy" episode where Alex Trebek just says "close enough" to every response. Your intentions are good enough for us, Mr. President!

And what's going to happen when Obama sends 20,000 troops to Afghanistan? Can anybody take him seriously when he says military action is "on the table" when it comes to a nuclear Iran? The Peace Prize puts every military decision under a microscope that does not help Obama as Commander-in-Chief. Nine months into his Presidency, the Prize at this juncture is a net-minus.

Extra - The mockery begins: nominate Obama for the Heisman trophy.

More - At least one Brit fails to see the humor, er...humour, in the matter: "Absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize."

And this - More from the Minuteman.


  1. A Nobel for intentions? Better than Henry Kissinger's.1:09 AM

    You're overthinking this. And allowing the inane "teleprompter Obamessiah" grudge to cloud your mind.

    It's strictly a "F**k you, Bush" award. Any effort to extract more from the Nobel than that, let alone "an affirmation" of the right's unwavering Obama hatred, is a misfire.

    But let's shed a tear for the "if Obama couldn;t convince the IOC, merciful heavens, how will he ever negotiate with Iran?" meme. The award kills that one dead in its crib. Soar, albatross, soar!

  2. It would have been less embarrassing for everyone involved if the Norwegians just called up Bush and said F U or took an ad out in the paper.

    I can see the ledes now. Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama ordered bombing in Afghanistan.

  3. Here is your first of 1000:
