Friday, October 02, 2009


The Boston Globe had an editorial this morning panning Obama's trip to Copenhagen:
Obama gained support during the presidential campaign by staying cool amid an economic meltdown, while John McCain marched into Washington in an attempt to show a spirit of action. Instead, McCain showed his futility. Americans don’t like to see their leaders appearing rash or weak. If the Olympic committee rejects the president, Obama becomes just another failed salesman. It’s a mistake for him to sink so much into a cause that may not even need his help. He should have stayed home.
We know that now.

Extra - Contentions: "The limits of egomania."

Update - Two separate planes for Barack & Michelle + security detail = 18 votes


  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Don't forget that he's also famous... just like Paris Hilton. And pals around with terrorists. And uses a teleprompter!

    At an Americans For Prosperity meeting today, they cheered out loud when Chicago was eliminated.

    Remember when the same kinds of boneheads accused nasty old liberals of "hating America" and "wanting it to fail"? Good times.

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I think that was for liberals who wanted us to fail in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Potatoe, potatoh

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    They were cheering that Chicago dodged the bullet. Of corruption, graft and other wasted money.

  4. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I think that was for liberals who wanted us to fail in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Potatoe, potatoh

    Only one problem there: that was a lie. Today's wingnut glee actually happened.

    They were cheering that Chicago dodged the bullet. Of corruption, graft and other wasted money.

    Of course they were, sweetie. Of course they were. Drudge Report: "The Ego Has Landed." Rush Limbaugh: "The world has rejected Obama." Fox News: "O What a Failure." National Review's Corner: "The King of the World Has No Hometown." Glenn Beck: "Please let me break this news to you, it's so sweet." Michelle Malkin: "No Obamalympics."

    Little Green Footballs correctly identifies this as "the rhetoric of 'FAIL'.” And this pithy prose, from Balloon Juice:
    "This is the kind of mind-numbingly stupid wankery that we get when people have nothing to say but feel the need to say something anyway. The President went, like every other head of state, to try to get the Olympics for his country. It was awarded to Rio. Nothing else happened, and anyone who states otherwise is simply sniffing glue. And no matter what happened, the Republicans would be claiming that it is bad for Obama.

    Also, this is excellent news for John McCain."

  5. Anonymous8:32 AM

    As they say, " When Obama fails, America wins"

  6. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "They" do? They shouldn't. Maybe that's why they are currently a regional minority party that mistakes paranoia for principle.

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Obama's failures keep piling up.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Each passing day reveals the hollowness of Obama.

    Everyone around the world is laughing at this moron-in-chief.

    It took Carter 4 years to become the failure he was. It has taken this idiot nine months to outdo Carter.

  9. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Any raft looks good when you're drowning. Best of luck turning the Olympic vote into a complete turnaround of fortunes.

    Here's Nate Silver, writing at
    "We probably wouldn't be hearing conservatives like [Weekly Standard editor John] McCormack "Rooting for Rio" if John McCain had been elected President, and he were lobbying for Phoenix's Olympic bid instead. And we certainly wouldn't be hearing many of them -- including McCormack and his colleagues -- erupt in cheers after the American bid had lost.

    Nor do I think you'd have seen liberals reacting that way. Although there has also been some liberal criticism of the Olympic bid, and some liberal sentiment that the United States has been a Very Bad Boy and doesn't deserve the Olympics, I honestly don't think you'd have seen the Netroots Nation convention burst into cheers once the Phoenix were rejected*.

    For Obama to have gone to Copenhagen to pitch the event may have been a mistake -- a few phone calls from Washington might have had 98 percent of the impact for 2 percent of the exposure. But he went in his capacity as an American President, and not as a partisan. That the conservative intelligentsia reacted giddily to news of the Americans losing is telling. It's telling of a movement that was long ago knocked off its intellectual moorings and has lost the capacity to think about what people outside the room think about. Sometimes -- certainly on the health care debate, very probably on the bailouts question -- conservatives back into something approaching mainstream American sentiment and can cause Obama and his allies a lot of problems. But any movement which also criticizes the President for giving a speech to schoolchildren, which cheers when the United States loses its Olympic bid, is mostly just engaged in the business of throwing a bunch of Kaká at the wall and seeing what sticks. I don't know whether it's unpatriotic -- but it's pretty freakin' dumb."

  10. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Any failure of Obama is a bullet dodged for the US.

    The Doofus-in-Chief revelas his incompetence every day.

  11. O.D.S.11:58 AM

    Those who need meds the most should be supporting universal health care.

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What has the Communist Organizer achieved in his 9 months?

    Why is Gitmo still open?

    Where are the jobs?

    What happened to the $787 billion "porkulus" money?

    Why are we still in Iraq?

    His only "achievements" have been to lose more than 6m additional jobs, and to push GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy.

    Way to go, Barry!

  13. Anonymous12:29 PM

    How strange. Such precipitous, pants-peeing impatience from the same fanboys who used to insist that "Only history will properly judge George W. Bush" and "It's not technically a recession yet... but if it is, it's really all Clinton's fault!"

  14. Anonymous4:42 PM

    How fitting to see the failures excusing the Incompetent.

    Don't expect anything else from the Affirmative Action Hire.

  15. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I am going to add some more gloating to the Copenhagen Fiasco:

    "For once, I am not going to complain about the total cost of this failed mission because seeing Obama,Michele and Oprah get *****slapped by someone other than an American proves to all what we have been thinking and saying since this so called intelligent person took office."

    " seemed too empty and business-like. So when Tony Blair promoted London he was around three days to lobby and talk to people. You can not just come with the train one day and try to affect everything. People have felt that it was a lack of respect for the Olympics and sport in general." - Former IOC memeber from Denmark.

    "He was ill-prepared and his staff failed to lay the foundation for his appearance. He came off as an ugly American who knew nothing about the territory and who felt the world somehow owed him something."

    "Its hard not to gloat when you see some arrogant, know nothings, get the slap of a life time. Particularly when obama was not so long ago wagging his finger about “american arrogance” as he took a giant flop in the parlor of the IOC."

    "Rio to Obama and MEchelle: “We won.”

    "...there is nothing at all in Obama’s resume that shows he ever made highly difficult decisions that depended, at the end, on his own personal reservoir of wisdom and experience. So he does not tackle his inbox because its contents are above his competence. He tends instead to lesser matters that match his lower level of competence and gratifyingly feed the ego. And so he flies to Copenhagen to deliver a speech of no significance on a matter of no consequence. Why? Because he can do that – simply standing in front of a crowd reading eloquently from a teleprompter he can handle quite well."

  16. Anonymous1:39 AM

    What a pitiful little circle jerk this has devolved into.

    Whose "fault" was it when New York's bid for the 2012 Olympics was dismissed in a virtually identical manner, by an IOC selection committee that includes 2 Americans in its 108 voters?

    Forget the question. Why even try to be sensible, when it's so much fun to have things both ways. As the last set of quotes shows, President Obama was wrong to go there at all, and he was also wrong for not staying longer.

    "The food here is just terrible!"
    "Yes, I know... and such small portions!"

  17. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Obama was wrong. Is wrong, and will always be wrong.

    In everything.

    The guy has no accomplishments to his name. And will never have.

  18. Anonymous9:04 AM

    His Chicago puppeteers pulled his strings, and Obama regurgitates the diarhhea of the Teleprompter.

  19. O.D.S.3:38 PM

    His Chicago puppeteers pulled his strings, and Obama regurgitates the diarhhea of the Teleprompter.

    That's fantastic. The way that you decided your first post, as sharp as it already was, still needed a little something "extra."
