Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tragically unhip

A couple days ago, I got my early-teen son a cell phone, mostly so he can be in touch during extracurricular activities. Tonight I went to his school's open house and discovered that I was quite likely the last parent in junior high to get his kid a cell phone.

The "Crackberry Kids" start young.


  1. You mean your Son didn't already tell you that he was one of the only ones not to have a cell phone?

  2. He's a bit of a non-conformist and (claims) he didn't want one.

    At first I was looking at the prepaid phones but they have all kinds of weird restrictions. So we added a line and got some neat new phones.

    I mean, cmon, you gotta have a cell.

  3. My 5 year old asked about having her own phone.

    My Mom wouldn't give me a dime because she didn't want me calling her from the school pay phone. How times have changed.
