Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So it's come to this - Via the Corner, the FDIC is looking to borrow money from large banks instead of the Treasury to insure funds in shaky banks, in part to sidestep the popular outrage that would follow another taxpayer-paid bailout.


  1. Anonymous1:34 AM

    What's your 'outrage', bro? It's just the FDIC borrowing money (it doesn't have) from the very institutions to whom it affords insurance.

    What could P-O-S-S-I-B-L-Y go wrong?

    Smurt gub'nanse. U gotz it.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Don't say you weren't warned. This is your chance to get out.

    Get out of debt, then cash out. Liquidate. Buy tools, food & a good bicycle.

  3. Always leave 'em Laffer!1:45 PM

    I don't know, fellas, aren't you being pessimistic? Supply side economics just needs a little more time to blossom. Don't judge Gramm-style policy by its catastrophic results, judge it by the dream!

  4. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Supply side economics just needs a little more time to blossom.

    Apparently Barak Obama thinks so. Flooding banks with zero-interst cash to reinflate the bubbles that just exploded in our faces?


  5. Anonymous10:24 AM

    President Obama is destroying America by behaving like Ronald Reagan. We can expect this criticism on Fox News aaaaany minute now...
