Sunday, September 27, 2009

Garry Trudeau's selective outrage - Today's Doonesbury cartoon criticizes the overheated rhetoric that compares President Obama with Hitler. It's ignorant and outrageous, I'll agree. But Trudeau had eight years to raise the same objection and, somehow, this idea never came to ink.


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Garry Trudeau was already a liberal before Archie Bunker was a conservative. Now in 2009, he takes sides. SHOCK on the funny pages! I wonder what Mallard Fillmore will have to say about this atrocity.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, isn't it funny how quickly conservatives have epitomized everything that they once ascribed to damaged liberal thinking?

    The "Bushitler" rhetoric, the "derangement syndrome," the "SoreLoserman" signs, the anti-patriotic fervor... mmm, good times. Good times.

  2. Look! Shiny!4:15 PM

    The outrage isn't that Trudeau's view is one-sided, it's that it misses the big picture. Ann Coulter suspects that the Obama/Hitler posters are secretly an inside job - the work of liberal agitators.

    No, seriously. She really said that.

  3. Hitler ref aside, Trudeau's Sunday strip was half-assed. He's heading down the Berke Breathed route.

  4. I had no idea Doonesbury was still published.
