Thursday, September 24, 2009

Empty Garden state - Speaking of odd-year elections, Chris Christie is looking strong against incumbent governor Jon Corzine in New Jersey. It seems possible that Corzine is unpopular because it has one of the highest tax burdens in the country and the Tax Foundation rated NJ the worst state in the country for businesses.


  1. Gordon State6:48 AM

    New Jersey is where Republican dreams traditionally go to die. Every election cycle, the race seems tantalizingly close, the voters smell conservative and tax-hating and pick-up-able, the RNC makes a big pay-in to push Jersey into the red column, and -- 9 times out of 10 -- it all slips away.

    At least a Governor is possible (Whitman, Kean). But the New Jersey State Senate's been Democratic since Eisenhower was President, and NJ hasn't elected a Republican Senator since 1972.

  2. I'm splitting hairs, but... New York, especially NYC is still worse. That is the only thing the keeps NJ afloat - the steady flow in of NY refugees to replace those fleeing NJ.
