Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Celebrities vs. non-celebrities on health care reform - Via Hot Air. Both sides make compelling points: the non-celebrities cite sources and the CBO while the MoveOn side has Olivia Wilde.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    The most selfish, arrogant generation in American history strikes again.

    Baby boomers will enjoy unprecedented entitlements at the expense of their own grandchildren, who not only get to PAY for all this nonsense, but will also not live to enjoy ANY of its fruits. Sound a bit like slavery? Hmmm…

    Congratulations, ass-hat ‘progressives’. How’z-about a nice big pat on the back for yourselves?

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It sounds much WORSE than slavery! It's like if you had to be Hitler's slave, massaging his shoulders, while he was raping your puppy dog and raising the top marginal income tax rate by 3%.

  3. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Roman, is that you?

  4. Olivia Wilde? Now, I wouldn't mind having her at my side. Of course, if she talked politics, I wouldn't hear a word she was saying anyway as I would be too busy, er, never mind.
