Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mama weer all crazee now - All of those nutty teabaggers at the health care forums are making an impact: "New Gallup polls shows town hall protests winning over independents."

Of course, it's possible they're having no impact at all because it seems like every time Obama has a news conference, support for health care reform drops.

Extra - Victor Davis Hanson: "On dishing it out."

1 comment:

  1. Eleanor Zogby2:01 AM

    Quick math quiz. What's missing from the "34%-21%" and "35%-16%" spreads celebrated by Hot Air?

    If you guessed "the other 45-49% of the respondents?", you win! They're the half of Americans who -- according to this same poll -- are unmoved by the whole spectacle.

    Neverthless, this poll shows a third of independents saying they're "less sympathetic" to Obama's side. Does this sharp public shift endanger the President's standing? Is Obama's grip on the independent voter showing ominous signs of slippage?

    Nine months ago, a Gallup poll showed independents going for Obama over McCain by 48%-43%.

    Now, 35% is supposed to demonstrate erosion? Good luck believing in that diagnosis, but it sure looks like a pre-existing condition.
