Sunday, August 02, 2009

Look, up in the sky! It's the tax hike trial balloon!

Is Barack Obama – despite his repeated promise during the campaign – going to raise taxes on the middle class? Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is setting up America for the big Kool-Aid "Oh yeahhhhh!!!!"

To get the economy back on track, will President Barack Obama have to break his pledge not to raise taxes on 95 percent of Americans? In a "This Week" exclusive, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told me, "We’re going to have to do what’s necessary."

Geithner was clear that he believes a key component of economic recovery is deficit reduction. When I gave him several opportunities to rule out a middle class tax hike, he wouldn’t do it.

"We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically,” Geithner told me. “And that's going to require some very hard choices."
You got duped, America. Snookered, tricked, suckered, pwn3d. Here's your visual for contemplation:

Recap - Here's my post from a month ago: "Your taxes will go up."


  1. It's the Day of Reckoning, Charlie Brown!1:13 AM

    As opposed to eight years of a President who pointed at empty fields and shouted, "Look, everyone! It's the Great Pumpkin!"

    And if you didn't see him, it's because you hated the troops.

  2. Mark L9:17 AM

    Hey, anonymous. Was Clinton really that bad? Besides, he kept pointing to the empty field to keep everyone's attention away from Monica.

  3. Anything that upsets a Republican is good grief.7:54 PM

    Bill Clinton's sex life. Like Linus' security blanket, it's the comforting thing that Republicans can't let go of.

  4. Mark L9:04 AM

    Bill Clinton had a sex life?

    Who knew?

    You sure about that anonymous?

  5. Clinton got blown... Bush blew.3:49 PM

    If Bill Clinton got suckled a tenth as often as Republicans thought about him getting suckled, he'd never wear pants.

  6. Mark L9:03 AM

    Bill? Is thatyou posting as anonymous? Awww. . . . We all feel soooo honored!

  7. $1 trillion... I got Iraq.9:20 AM

    Honored = horny?
