Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Boston Globe spins MassCare, fails

The Globe had a very strange editorial today titled "Mass bashers take note: health reform is working" As Hemingway wrote: "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

I addressed a lot of the problems with the Bay State's health care reform last month but the Minuteman hits the phony numbers in the editorial:

So, what the Globe is cheerfully describing as a cost of a mere $88 million per year is really a cost *increase* averaging $88 million per year. But I like their thinking - if they don't raise the newsstand price of their paper they can report that it costs me nothing to buy it. Quite a promotion.
Maybe the Globe should have read its own op-ed page from a couple months ago: "Coverage should be: universal, not tied to a job, affordable for individuals and families, affordable for society, and it should provide access to high-quality care for everyone. The state's plan flunks on all counts."

1 comment:

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