Thursday, August 27, 2009

Access in Austin

I refused to pay the $10/day fee to access the Internet at my hotel so I've been out of the loop since Monday. But now I'm in the Austin/Bergstrom airport and they have free access.

I can't possibly add anything about Ted Kennedy. Rest in peace, and all that. What I'm waiting to see now is if the Massachusetts State House circumvents their own law of Senatorial succession, the one they passed when they feared that Republican governor Mitt Romney might appoint a replacement for John Kerry. Special election? Nah, never mind.

I managed to catch Austin's famous live music scene and it was a treat to hear bands playing all styles of music from rooftops and alleyways and concert halls.

My presentation to the Society of Petroleum Engineers went well. Those Texans are really down-to-earth (get it?) Everybody but everybody has a Blackberry/smartphone nowadays. I think my phone has a calculator.


  1. dfwmtx12:22 PM

    Where'd you find free access at Austin/Bergstrom? Every time I try and surf from there it makes me want to sign up form some temporary service.

  2. I was by gate 8 right next to Austin Warehouse and I didn't have any trouble.

    Honestly, I don't know why there isn't a national WiFi initiative. That's one national entitlement I can get behind.
